Birth In Spanish
Birth in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict
birth Noun 1. (also fig) a. el nacimiento (M) to give birth (to somebody) dar a luz (a alguien) at birth al nacer from birth de nacimiento Irish by birth irlandés (esa) de nacimiento birth certificate partida de nacimiento birth control control de natalidad birth control methods métodos anticonceptivos 2. (fig) a. birth pangs dolores del parto to say birth in Spanish - WordHippo
More Spanish words for birth el nacimiento noun source, rise, nativity, dawn, formation el parto noun delivery, childbirth, labor, calving, parturition el origen noun origin, source, descent, beginning, root el linaje noun lineage, ancestry, pedigree, parentage el comienzo noun beginning, start, onset, commencement, starting el principio noun - English-Spanish Dictionary -
agenesis - anno domini - antenatal - bear - bear a child - before your time - biological child - biological daughter - biological parent - biological parents - biological son - biologically - birth a baby - birth certificate - birth defect - birth name - birth trauma - birthday - birthplace - birthright - birthstone - blood ties - born into - … in spanish | Spanish Translator
birth in spanish Translation nacimiento en español Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation The world’s largest Spanish dictionary Conjugation Conjugations for every Spanish verb Vocabulary Learn vocabulary faster Grammar birth in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict
at birth ( aht buhrth ) phrase 1. (at the start of life) a. al nacer Children acquire American citizenship at birth.Los niños adquieren la ciudadanía estadounidense al nacer. b. en el nacimiento Mikela was diagnosed with a genetic condition at birth.Mikela fue diagnóstica con una condición genética en el nacimiento. c. en el momento del nacimiento in Spanish -
Birth in Spanish Spanish Word for birth Translated sentences containing 'birth' We are celebrating the date of his birth. Estamos celebrando el día en que nació. What is your birth date? ¿Cuál es la fecha de su nacimiento? Bring me a photocopy of your birth certificate. Tráigame una fotocopia de su partida de nacimiento. birth in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict
2. (to cause to be born; used with "to") a. dar a luz To everyone's surprise, Maria gave birth to quintuplets this morning. Para la sorpresa de todos, María dio a luz a quintillizos esta mañana. b. parir Congratulations, you just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Felicidades, acabas de parir una hermosa niña. 3. (figurative) to say date of birth in Spanish -
Spanish Translation. fecha de nacimiento. More Spanish words for date of birth. las fecha de nacimiento noun. birthday. Find more words! to say "give birth" in Spanish - WordHippo
give birth. Spanish Translation. dar a luz. More Spanish words for give birth. dar a luz verb. give birth to, bring forth, bear, have. parir verb. in Spanish
birth near Spanish. 2. Birth Control Information - Elliot Lake On. Elliot Lake / Ontario (32 km from Spanish) birth control, family, family planning, individual, mental health, social services - address: Algo C - Elliot Lake On Elliot Lake Ontario - phone: ...